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Recommended Blackjack Books


Twenty-first Century Blackjack

by Walter Thomason

Walter Thomason has become a regular visitor of our message board. This well-written, extensively-tested book is the best out there for players who aren't interested in learning to count cards. We recommend that you read this book, and then ask any unanswered questions on the message board.

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Blackjack Bluebook II

by Fred Renzey

Fred Renzey, another esteemed visitor of the Hit or Stand forum, has written a book for players looking to fine-tune their strategy or take the next step to card counting. Unlike Thomason's techniques, Renzey does not promote progressive betting, but offers an excellent entry level counting system he calls KISS counting. The two books complement one other very well.

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Basic Blackjack

by Stanford Wong

Provides much more than basic Blackjack strategy, including methods for adjusting to rule variations of different casinos.

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Professional Blackjack

by Stanford Wong

Card-counting advice for beginners to experts. It presents the simple and popular 'high-low' system as well as the more complicated level-3 system 'halves'.

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Knock-Out Blackjack

by Olaf Vancura, Ph.D, & Ken Fuchs

A simple yet powerful card-counting system. A excellent starting place for counters.

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The Theory of Blackjack

by Peter A. Griffin

Mathematically intensive, but will give you deeper understanding of Blackjack theory and card counting.

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Blackjack for Blood

by Bryce Carlson

Includes card counting, basic strategy, game selection, camouflage, casino comportment, special "commando" tactics, money management, etc. It also provides Carlson's own Advanced Omega II System,

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