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Mike I'm facinated by the play of others but, not to quick to judge, as some are truley counters and are actually doing what they should do to win, and others playing just poorly. I think the way to tell if someone is good is by the way he/she "Hits or Stands" without hesitation. If they need to think about what to do, that's a sure sign of a novice. Get to know your dealer too, if play alone at the table and tipping well, dealers will help, discretly, I know that some count out of boredom. 2003-01-28 17:47:37
Addicted to BJ You guys are so right. I went to the casino about two weeks ago and if i was hitting on soft 18's i would have gotten the dirtiest looks...even though i was playing with some big morons..who stands on a soft 16? or better yet splitting 10's...even though he got BJ's on both...Bad players are everywhere..but i'm sure they won't mind me hitting on soft 18's knowing how they play 2003-01-28 13:41:45
london player IAN;i have played on online casinos but i have since deleted them from my computer,williamhill casino isn't too bad as they have online blackjack tournaments and they don't earn anything out of it,but i would rather play in real casinos.JPK;opening and closing boxes means people start playing then stop then start again . 2003-01-28 13:09:38
jpk guys,or gals,what does the phrase "opening and closing boxes"mean? 2003-01-28 11:52:13
Ian - London Hi, London Player. I'm sure you'll gather by my name here that I'm from the UK. I've never been to a London casino - only online ones. Was a bit disappointed when I won a little on an American online casino only to see my profits dwindle by bank charges for foreign cheques and the very poor exchange rate they gave. I lost about 8% in the conversion. Have you had similar experiences? Ian. 2003-01-28 10:56:43
mike sorry about this ok i really am 2003-01-28 10:02:20
steve I saw a guy hit soft nineteen against a dealer 5- I think I almost fell off my seat. 2003-01-27 20:16:47
london player are ther any other players from the uk who read this board or am i the only one. 2003-01-27 16:55:17
Barry London Player: My statement was that far LESS than half I observe do NOT play basic strategy. I am from Missouri in USA. You are right, I think about being afraid to make the seemingly daring moves, such as doubling on 11 against dealer's 10. And, very rarely do I see anyone hit a soft 18. 2003-01-27 15:03:01
london player BARRY;what country are you from,because you say more than half play basic strategy,in london more than half think that they are playing basic strategy but when it comes to doubling 11 against dealers 10,hitting soft 18 against a 10,splitting 8's they know it is the right way to play it's just that they are too scared to play that way. 2003-01-27 14:37:53
Midnite Gambler Barry, You are right about a lot of players not even using basic strategy. A bad player will help you, just as much as he will hurt you, in the long run. You just tend to remember the times that, if he would have played "right", we all would have won. Players jumping in and out of the game also have no effect. I saw a player this last weekend that was doubling down on Hard 12,13 &14's, go figure ? If the bad player at your table bug's you, move. But you will find it hard to get away from them, they are everywhere..... 2003-01-27 14:33:57
Barry Dear london player, I do find it absolutely amazing to watch other people play and find that far more than half do NOT play basic strategy. It is no wonder that the casinos have such a fantastic profit! Once in a while, I play a hunch which works for me, but I know in the long run of things, basic strategy is the way to go. Also, with regard to others at the table -- I will leave a table when other players (or the dealer) is acting or talking in any way that is distracting. However, I do believe that another's unwise hit or stand will not affect my long-term "luck " (although sometimes aggravating in the short-run). By the way, I love the game and like to have a good time at it, which involves some chat with the other players, as long as it does not hamper the concentration. 2003-01-27 13:51:27
london player BARRY; i do agree with you about getting dirty looks from other players when you play a correct game but i do disagree with about other peoples play affecting the overall outcome of the game,if you play at a table with a bad player who stays at the table then you do stand a chance of winning, but if you play at a table where bad players keep opening and closing boxes you will lose nearly every time.before you tell me how wrong i am try it for yourself and see.i also play perfect strategy like you and i have NEVER seen anyone play perfect basic strategy in london. 2003-01-27 10:53:16
Barry Something needs to be said about Blackjack table etiquette. I usually play "to the book," and am surprised that so many times when correctly hitting a hard 16 or a soft 18 I get dirty looks from someone at the table. Yet, when observing their playing, I often notice (quietly) their serious mistakes. Blackjack players of the world, please heed this: let players play their own hands, RIGHT OR WRONG, and don't fall for the myth that your overall luck or performance depends on any other players' moves. 2003-01-27 07:39:52
happygal` Ian! 2003-01-26 18:09:50
Ian - London Thanks very much for your replies, Hunter. When talking about roulette I was referring to European roulette (just a single zero) as opposed to American roulette (single and double zero)Which of course lessens the odds in the players favour. It never ceases to amaze me when people play American roulette even when the European alternative is available in the same establishment. 2003-01-26 12:42:21
Hunter Oh one more casino game to add on odds - one US State's laws require slot machines to be at least 83% return. So slots can be as much as 17% against the player. 2003-01-26 09:33:21

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