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jackiedc7 hey loundon gambler .. where do you brits /spelling/gamble is it legal in england 2003-02-03 16:52:29
Midnite Gambler Jack- Just stick with the Vegas strategy. It is the one you will run into most often. 2003-02-03 05:39:22
Jack Midnite...well i'm not playing in vegas or atlantic city..so i'm just wondering which one to use...on 8 decks i still use the vegas strategy?...any suggestions? 2003-02-02 17:45:17
Midnite Gambler Jack- not a lot of difference. I believe Atlantic City is mostly 8 deck shoes and Vegas uses 6 deck shoes. Which to use ? Use the one you will be playing at... 2003-02-02 13:34:40
Midnite Gambler Addicted to BJ- I think you got that backwards. You never split 5's, but at times, you should split 4's. 2003-02-02 13:27:30
Jack What's the difference between the Atlantic city multiple deck strategy and the Las Vegas strategy? which one do i go by? 2003-02-02 12:05:05
Addicted to BJ Why is it...that on the rules and strategy on the site it says that you shouldn't split 4's and that you can split 5's but not all the time....but when you play the game it says...you never split 5's because a 10 is too good to give up? is this an error? 2003-02-02 11:42:20
Midnite Gambler Michigan Dave, I would be glad to try and help. A little more info needed. e-mail me at midnitegambler@cox.net 2003-02-01 05:28:56
Michigan Dave Neil, Thanks for the great site. It has shown many flaws in my perceived basic stragedy. i am in the high 90's (average)now. Midnight(etal), thanks for your advice too.You have made the game more enjoyable,and hopefully more profitable. Going to vegas in april. Any advice on money management? Is 4 days with 1K too Little? Daily Limits? When to stay or go? Thanks again 2003-02-01 04:31:16
Coug Fan London Player; I still don't agree with you. Try posting your question at one of those web sites and you will find that the most respected BJ authors on the subject of card counting also do not agree with you. These include Don Schlesinger, Stanford Wong and many others. Have you researched the subject of card counting or BJ advantage play? The expected value of a hand (similar to what you are referring to as the outcome) is dependent on the composition of the remaining pack. It makes no difference in what order the remaining pack is dealt. I do not mean to be abrasive, but please understand that to me your argument is equivalent to someone arguing that 2+2 actually equals 6. 2003-01-31 07:08:39
london player cougfan;i do agree with you that a bad player does not affect the overall outcome of the game, but players who keep opening and closing boxes do affect the game. i have never seen it written anywhere that agrees with you,not even the websites that you have stated below.if you play a shoe with a bad player the chances are that player will play bad all of the way through the shoe which will not affect the outcome ,but if someone else opens a box the outcome of the shoe will change, then if they stop playing the outcome will change again and again and again depending on how many times players keep stopping and starting.if you still don't agree with me that is up to you but believ me ,i am right. 2003-01-30 16:45:05
Jayson One more thing. How sad for all TEN people, to post bogus results. I don't know how they generated their numbers and percentages, whether mathematically or through extreme random generation until a solid % is reached. Regardless, I can't imagine the number of people that have unfortunately followed these theories and charts. The website that posted 45% in the below example could easily be (and probably are) "WAY OFF" in the rest of their information. How terrible to post trash and lead people the wrong direction. This deviation concept I am referring to is what triggered me to see for myself who was on track. The sad answer: NONE! feel free to email me your thoughts: JaxonJakob AT aol. 2003-01-30 11:32:11
Jayson In doing a search on the web and reading books, I have found that everyone's strategies are different. This lead me to program it myself. For starters, I pulled 10 different charts from various places that showed a dealer's chance of busting if his upcard is a "3". All 10 charts quoted diff %s, all fluctuating from 28-45%. All 10 charts quote the same rules (stand on all 17, 8 decks, etc). My perfectly written program plaid 1 billion games last night and came up with 36%. This leads me to say that the rest of their charts/theories/strategies/2sense cannot be trusted. Based on these bogus reports, my quest is to finish a perfect formula based on a computer's perfect output. Any comments would be appreciated! 2003-01-30 11:24:52
CougFan I'll have to respectfully disagree. I have played over 500 hours of BJ so far and players routinely open and close boxes with no net effect on my play. There is a common misperception that the cards have a predetermined "flow" that can be disrupted when players open and close boxes. This perception arises because people tend to remember negative things more than they do positives. You may want to check out AdvantagePlayer.com, Cardcounter.com or BJ21.com for some interesting information regarding the subject. 2003-01-30 10:14:30
london player COUGFAN;i think you will find that i am right,like i said in my previous posts don't just take my word for it try it out for yourself,not just once but 4 or 5 times ,and then tell me that i am wrong 2003-01-29 13:28:32
CougFan London Player, I hate to break this to you, but other players opening and closing boxes has zero impact on your chances unless they are card counters, in which case, they are hurting your chances. Mike, don't be so quick to judge. Decent card counters make an effort to appear unknowledgable about the game and may appear uncertain as part of their act. 2003-01-29 13:03:30
Mikko, Helsinki In Finland, there are less than 5% of all the players who are playing in basic strategy. I was one of them, `till I find this page. 2003-01-29 07:07:53

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