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Johannes Dear Blackjack Friends, we developed for ourself a Multiplayer BlackJack. Now it works fine and is safe like a Swiss bank :-) Key Features: Unlimited players Unlimited tables Fast playing You can buy it or share the income with us. For screenshots or test playing, please send me an E-Mail. johannes522@yahoo.de Keep on rocki'n. Johannes 2002-04-29 11:14:20
casey Neil, would you say the "practice" games for Casinos are basically the same as games for "real". I just tried the Sands for "real" & saw no similarity! 2002-04-29 10:56:58
Dylanfreak hey loser I would rather play blackjack with a queen that do that drug stuff 2002-04-20 08:47:31
Kenny Neil, how about adding "surrender" to the game? 2002-04-19 14:26:12
Nancy I know this is supposed to be a learning tool, but in those instances where these messages come up: "Some soft aces have no general rule for doubling..." and "Usually don't risk busting when the dealer shows 2-6..." why does it have to count as an incorrect answer? It really messes with my 100%. 2002-04-19 14:08:49
queen Hey loser, the name fits. If you don't have anything better to say then go ahead and do your drugs. 2002-04-16 16:02:31
Jenn I have reached the bonus round today with 16, 18 binus points, submitted my name & score, and it does not appear. Could you please put me up there. Thank you. 2002-04-15 16:26:43
arkhogfan1 let me know of any contest 2002-04-10 21:33:47
Leanne I have tried to get on to your web site to play for the past two hours all I keep getting is a black screen if you know what I am doing wrong, could you please email me back and let me know. I would really appreciate it thank-you 2002-03-17 23:48:08
El Guapo Jesus, are you guys a sight for sore eyes. i praticed on this site for a month before I went to LV. It was the 1st time in my life that I ever won money BJ. i told a freind of mine at work what a great teaching tool this site was for basic Bj. he went to the site and it was gone. Even though you made me look like a liar (.net this!), I am really glad your back. Its a lot of fun.Thank you! 2002-03-11 00:59:58
Nick I'm thinking of playing Blackjack at a casino for the first time. If I play using the correct basic stategy (and no card-counting), can I come away winning or losing money in the final analysis? 2002-03-10 11:28:26
James n/a i used to pay on hitorstand then i lost it,i am back again,Neil is helping my BJ so much.thank you Neil 2002-03-08 05:59:28
Mickey D "Of Course, the odds of BlackJack are against you, no matter how well you play, so it's ludicrous to gamble with the intention of making money"... So why play at a Casino? 2002-03-03 15:24:17
larry S in Dallas Hey guys just started playing here!Love it 2002-03-01 09:15:28
Gato Hi Neil... I have a suggestion. I could notice that the program had some bug that permited very large scores. In view of that ¿why don't you start a "modern" new list of all time high scores? And a second question... ¿When is the contest gonna start? Greetings form Mexico City 2002-02-21 13:36:50
sreed Great site to work on skills. Plain and simple Black Jack. 2002-02-15 23:07:35
Louie A. Great site.... well prepared and layed out. Appreciate a clean Black Jack web-site w/out all of the BS Pop-Up Ad's. 2002-01-31 16:57:02

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