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Batavia |
Thanks for the feedback midnite. I was wondering.. .. what system do you guys usually use? |
2003-06-24 10:39:24 |
Ace |
Pokerman: WHAT ??? |
2003-06-24 09:03:38 |
Grifter |
Bughouse...AceFive is the easiest and weakest of the counting systems and is too weak for six deck IMHO. I used it occasionally for single deck in the early eighties and still use it once in a while with SD/DD for a "casual count" if I just want to know if the deck is pos. or neg. Also, you said you "bet a whole bunch" with that high count. Kenny Uston's recommendation for the A5 was only a spread of 1-3. Finally, for six deck: For SLD007 and others, like me, who use a four loss quit point; the AceFive MIGHT help in determining whether to quit that shoe or not...i.e. If you have had four losses in a row BUT the A5 count is say a +6 it might be better to not use your quit point because the deck is most likely positive. I have done this but to not have enough stats to quantify if it is worthwhile or not. |
2003-06-24 04:05:18 |
Pokerman |
Do you like poker? Game cost is cheap and the poker of the Internet is recommendation.
It is the intercasino of relief and reliance. The first place has been repeatedly gained with the magazine. |
2003-06-24 00:27:12 |
Bughousemaster |
What do you all think about the ACE-5 System? I think it kinda sucks cuz in Vegas I got the count to +9-+10 so of course i bet a whole bunch and i ended up with a hard 16 hand against dealer's 10 up!! So... I guess i just got bad luck on the cards cuz everyone else on teh table (about 4 or 5 others) had 18-21 and i was stuck with the singlemost worst hand and i believe dealer had >=7 in the hole to automatically win.
I mean it's really easy to do (ace 5) but is it really as rewarding? because the high-low system is very good too, but some dealer's just deal TOO FAST!! i think the next time i go gambling (next week) i'll try out that dahl system tho... that's interesting.. but what do you guys think about ace-5 etc.? all feedback welcome!! |
2003-06-23 22:26:23 |
Midnite Gambler |
sld007-Hope your trip went well. Batavia- Hi-opt 1 is a good place to start. |
2003-06-23 22:05:58 |
london player |
carnivore eater;it goes something like this, you send your $6 to 6 people, that is $1 each, they send their $6 to 6 people and so on, for you to end up with $50,000 and all of the other people in the plan (i mean scam} there will need to be 50,000 people. it doesn't take a genius to work out that it won't work . i am sorry to disappoint you but i don't like seeing people get ripped off.good luck. |
2003-06-23 17:09:47 |
Ace |
NorCal BJ: Thanks for the response. I'll check out the places you mentioned & let you know how I make out. I'm looking forward to the trip to Tahoe! |
2003-06-23 15:12:34 |
Chad |
Does anyone have some suggestions on running a fun blackjack table in a strip club, such as buy-in, or prizes?
2003-06-23 14:44:22 |
Phil G. |
53 - What a score!!! Does anyone have any idea how you hit 53 in 20 seconds? That is almost 3 hands every second. Are there any tricks to this? |
2003-06-23 14:18:30 |
Batavia |
I'm looking for some opions on the Hi-opt 1 counting system. Do you guys think it's outdated? Good for beginners? Give me the scoop. |
2003-06-23 14:18:11 |
sld007 |
Guys, guys, guys--I go away for a few days and y'all are gettin spammed by pyramid snake oil salesmaen and you devote a half page to this shit! Where are Grifter and Midnite when you need them!!! Let's get back to our friendlt disagreements about, counting vs. progression, deck penetration, auto shufflers, comp policies, etc. etc. |
2003-06-23 12:55:26 |
Desert Dog |
Here's the US Postal Service page on the topic --
Carnivore, it is illegal, plain and simple. It's a pyramid scheme, punishable by imprisonment if you're prosecuted and convicted. And you can be prosecuted not just for starting one, but for sending one along. If someone complains, and that site has a form for filing such complaints, you may get a visit from the authorities. Now, about the number of people needed: if six people send to six people send to six people etc., by the 13th turnover the number required is more than double the earth's population. Also see this site:
Let's get back to talking about Blackjack. Too bad we don't have a bouncer to keep out posts like the one that started all this. Not you, Carnivore, it's OK to ask, but that first guy had no business putting that original long post here. |
2003-06-23 12:05:01 |
CarnivoreEater |
London: what do you mean have i worked out how many ppl will need to reply to those letters? Explain that please.
And what's up with Keno, everytime i see that game in vegas it reminds me of a state lottery, right??
I was actually wondering about how I could end up going to prison over this... is this really against the law and can I be proscecuted for even ATTEMPTING to do what Zion said?? |
2003-06-23 10:04:38 |
crackerjacky |
So, Carnivore, let us say it is NOT illegal. Satisfy your curiosity & try it! You are only out $6.00. If, as this spammer claims, you end up with $42,000. as he has (will he send proof of this?) then we would like to hear of your good fortune. $42,000. would be a good starting "bank" for a blackjack player :)) |
2003-06-23 09:55:52 |
london player |
carnivore eater; have you tried to work out how many people will need to reply to those letters, probably more people than there are in the world. DON'T DO IT ,YOU WILL LOSE OUT. you have more chance winning at keno than making a living at this scam. ps; there is no such thing as easy money |
2003-06-23 09:32:54 |
CarnivoreEater |
Wait, what was wrong with what Zion said? That *IS* illegal? Why is it illegal, if he said that it wasn't? So I shouldn't try this out for myelf to make easy money? Someone explain! |
2003-06-23 09:09:46 |