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Hunter |
I absolutely agree with Ridge and Midnite on how bad 6:5 blackjack is. My simulations showed it to be a 1.40% gain for the house on single deck - very close to Ridge's 1.39%. My advice would be to boycott 6:5 blackjack and even play multiple deck with normal blackjack pay if available. Even multiple deck blackjack is much better odds than 6:5 single deck. |
2003-02-06 21:20:04 |
ridge |
midnite-Your right on the mark with not being able to count with CSM's. I dont count now, but want to learn 1 or 2 strategies in the future.We have CSM,s at a few tables in Michigan casinos,and they're just as crowded as the auto shufflers. If the casinos can increase their revenues by sheer number of hands dealt,then they will keep using them. Also- a 6/5 bj adds a 1.39% additional house edge to the game- worst game around. |
2003-02-06 17:17:22 |
Midnite |
Ridge-If you don't count cards, the CSM's may not make much difference, but I don't like them. Auto-shufflers are fine. When the casino installs a new rule, we can figure it is not in the player favor. As long as people will play the CMS and the 6/5 BJ, I am afraid it will spread. If you don't count cards, that is fine, but there may be a time when you want to try it and you can't do it against a CMS. |
2003-02-06 13:38:46 |
ridge |
midnite- I've not been to Vegas in a year or so,so I don't know if my info. is is my understanding that this new 6/5 bj is on some single deck games. CSM's are used on multiple deck games.if this is so,then what is so bad about playing a multiple deck game with a CSM (assuming you don't count)? |
2003-02-06 12:21:56 |
Midnite |
I hit the "Submit" by mistake.
Now look at All the players, at All the tables, in a casino and you can see that it is a VERY Big Deal. You can see what, just that one rule change, could save them in just one month....The only way we can change this back, is to NOT PLAY at a table that offers only a 6/5 pay off for a Blackjack. If enough players stop playing at tables with CSM's (continous shuffle machines) and 6/5 BJ. The better games will return. |
2003-02-06 11:18:35 |
Midnite |
CSM & 6/5 BJ- There seems to be more and more casino's going to a 6/5 payoff for a BJ. For a $5 bet, you now win $6 and not $7.50, when you get a BJ. Some players think that is not a big deal. Let's see. If we figure 100 hands per hour, we should get 5 BJ's. For the $5 flat better, he now wins a BJ bonus of $5 and not $12.50. It cost him $7.50. If it was five red chips, the BJ bonus is now $25, instead of $62.50. A difference of $37.50 an hr. A flat bet of five green chips would now pay $125 for the five BJ's and not the $312.50, it should have payed. Cost to the player $187.50. If he was to bet five black chips, he would now receive $500 for his five BJ's and not the $1,250. he should have received, for a difference of $750.00. Now look at All the players |
2003-02-06 11:06:00 |
ridge |
doc vegas-a continous shuffle machine will actually lower the house edge a bit. go to (blackjack appendix 10)for an in depth analysis. |
2003-02-05 16:03:03 |
doc vegas |
Midnite-So you are saying the continuous shuffle machine does not sway the odds either and there is no reason not to play at these tables? |
2003-02-05 15:11:44 |
Midnite |
Doc Vegas-There are two types of these machines. One is an Aotomatic shuffle machine and the other is a Continous shuffle machine, who's main job is to stop card counters. |
2003-02-05 11:25:55 |
london player |
JACKIEDC7;almost every type of gambling is legal in england,there are lots of casinos in london, some of the websites of their adresses are there is another casino group who have casinos in london but i wont tell you their website address because they refused me membership.good luck if you come to london but watch out for the bad players because there are hundreds of them. |
2003-02-05 09:50:18 |
doc vegas |
Midite-Thanks again for your insight and I hope you will indulge one last question. I have noticed an increase in casinos utilizing "perpetually mixed" decks versus utilizing fixed shoes. Does this pose any increased advantage for the house or is it just a way to keep downtime to a minimum? |
2003-02-05 08:16:36 |
Midnite |
Doc Vegas-No, but you will get many more hands per hour, playing heads up. If you were to look at 1000 hands played one on one and 1000 hands where there were other players not using basic startegy, you would find there is very little difference. |
2003-02-04 22:01:00 |
doc vegas |
Midnite-I appreciate your response and I have a follow up question. Does playing one on one with the dealer using basic strategy consistently change your odds versus playing basic strategy at a table with players who are not? |
2003-02-04 16:43:52 |
jackiedc7 |
is gambling legal in england and where do youall play london player |
2003-02-04 15:10:06 |
Midnite |
Doc Vegas-None. While it can be irritating, long term, it makes no difference. Overall, they will help you, just as much as they will hurt you. We just tend to remember the times that, if they would have played "right," we would have won. Last time I played, a woman hit her 10-4, when the dealer had a 6 up, she drew a 7. Me and one other player stayed on our stiff's. The dealer had an 8 under the 6, and busted. If she would not have hit, the 7 would have made the dealer 21..... If bad plays or bad players upset you, move to another table. But you may be doing a lot of moving, as they seem to be everywhere. :) |
2003-02-04 12:28:46 |
doc vegas |
What affect do other players at the table not following the basic strategy have on your odds of winning? |
2003-02-04 08:15:30 |
london player |
JACKIEDC7;is what legal in engand |
2003-02-04 07:19:01 |