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demod_boxalot Do you think the high-enders like London Player are using a program? Seems physically impossible to score above 25 bonus points... 2002-12-27 10:12:05
gavriano MERRY CHRISTMAS EVERYONE 2002-12-24 19:02:46
gavriano Yo, this is 1 of the best sites on the net. i love it. regularly score 100 (the bonus round is a different story though) its nearly as good as www.geocities.com/kissylipsandfancytrainers Hee Hee. thats my site. I figure if Im here saying this is a cool site then surely I can plug my own website!! It's just me and the boys from Dublin putting our two cents in. 2002-12-24 19:00:56
london player happy christmas everyone 2002-12-24 12:14:24
umuch Melissa, can we have some more illegal pyramid schemes? perhaps you can tell us how to buy a house with no money down. 2002-12-24 06:33:11
Mike Ian, If you've mastered a hi-low count system, and are relatively sure that the dealers hole card is a 10 value, then you take the insurance 2002-12-21 13:53:12
Ian Hey, London Player, Melissa is not a lunatic - probably just a con merchant/opportunist. Maybe she lost all her money at BJ and is trying to get it back! lol. Ian - London. 2002-12-21 06:38:06
Ian Can someone advise me on whether to use "insurance" when the dealer holds an ace. I had read that in MOST cases you should not insure but it did not elaborate as to when you should. Anyone know? Thanks in advance 2002-12-21 06:35:24
london player melissa;you are a lunatic 2002-12-20 12:01:52
Melissa (deleted b/c it was spam) 2002-12-20 10:21:12
Neil kobonchann, you can see a card playing chart on the rules and strategy page here 2002-12-19 15:52:30
Ivan Ramos Joe, Come and see me. Ivan 2002-12-18 12:12:14
kobonchann can anybody e-mail or fax(309)416-7703 me a hole card play chart. thanks 2002-12-17 16:03:34
golfer Hi Confused: Great question. There is a lot of conflicting information on the proper basic play for bj. I think the reason is that the basic strategy will change depending on the number of decks being used as well as the rules the casino uses. For example the basic strategy for a casino dealing 6-8 decks will be different from a casion dealing a single deck. My suggestion is to memorize the basic strategy for the 6-8 deck games, because they are the most prevalent. Then once you've got that down tackle the basic strategy for the two deck and single games. You'll find that much of the basic strategy with a 6-8 deck game overlaps with the two and single deck games. 2002-12-16 16:31:04
golfer Hi Dandy Don: I believe the general rule is to hit when the dealer has a 2 or 3 and you have a 12. The reason is pure math. Computer simulation have shown that in the long run drawing a card will improve your hand versus bust it. 2002-12-16 16:19:10
Golfer Hi DrdVegas: I think the best bj casino in Vegas is Horseshoes. They have several tables with single deck bj. 2002-12-16 16:09:42
Bounty How do you challenge someone to a game on this site?Can you! 2002-12-13 15:43:49

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