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Desert Dog |
Look at it this way, Phil. Players that think you should stand on soft 17 make extra money for the casinos that good players can then win. It's stunning how many players don't know Basic Strategy, or even know ABOUT it. It's like someone getting behind the wheel of a car without knowing what the colors of a traffic signal mean. |
2003-07-08 12:58:53 |
Midnite |
Phil- Play "your" game and don't worry about what the other players say. (sounds like you did) Remember the one's that complain the most.......know the least. |
2003-07-08 12:29:51 |
sld007 |
Phil TX - I'm going to the Shoe this weekend. Whose your casino host? Mine is Jimmy Saunders. |
2003-07-08 11:57:33 |
D |
Phil, Flack from other players that don't know better is often discussed here. Someone will say "The casino wrote that book." Sometimes if they won't shut up.Tell them that mathematicians with logorithms (spelling?) and computer simulations wrote the book. Mr. Ed I use a similar method to remember those soft Ace rules. |
2003-07-08 08:42:52 |
Mr. Ed |
I always think of "Soft 17" as "A6". It emphasizes the "6" part and makes it easier to hit. Also "A7" is mentally easier to hit than "Soft 18". |
2003-07-08 08:37:49 |
Phil TX |
Thanks, guys. I did hit the 3-card soft 17 and took some grief from the player on my right. Played at the Horseshoe in Bossier City, LA -- great place to play. Played BS and did very well. Will join in the discussions more often -- thanks! |
2003-07-08 08:25:52 |
sld007 |
Historical Note: What is average winning hand in BJ (using perfect basic startegy w/o counting)? Answer: According to Jules Braun - 18.5. 1962 - using what was then state of the art computer he simulated play of over 6M hands and came up with 18.5. Just another reason why tyou ALWAYS hit a soft 17 and why you hit soft 18 against 9,10 and A. |
2003-07-08 07:50:12 |
Midnite |
Phil- Don't be afraid to join in. In answer to your question, you Hit. You Never stand, with a soft 17. |
2003-07-07 22:22:10 |
Desert Dog |
Phil TX -- Hit a soft 17 that you can't double vs a dealer 6. But Stand on a soft 18 that you can't double vs dealer's 3-6. |
2003-07-07 22:21:13 |
Phil TX |
Hello everyone. Long time listener, first time caller. Quick question (and I know you've discussed it before, couldn't recall the answer). What's the proper call on a 3-card soft 17 against dealer's 6? Do you hit it or stand? Thanks, I'll hang up and listen. |
2003-07-07 21:46:56 |
Mondello |
Thank you Jesus she showed up, and we will be using the Grind method tonight, it's somewhat long, but who cares under this bandstand tonight Mondello's a happy man. |
2003-07-07 21:29:00 |
Mr. Ed |
A "unit" is a unit of money, e.g. $20, $100 or $1. |
2003-07-07 12:40:21 |
curiousness |
what do yall mean "units"!!! |
2003-07-07 11:57:38 |
Midnite |
Desert Dog- Yes, the flat better would have lost 68 units. With a $20 unit, that would be - $1,360. Looks like a safe way to play the $10 tables. (recommend a $200 buy in) That is a good win, with that low of a win percent. Desert Dog, contact me at |
2003-07-07 11:18:29 |
Desert Dog |
Midnite -- correct, net win of $250 on 45.54% won out of the 764 hands that were either wins or losses. Since this is less than 50%, wouldn't that mean that on flat betting, I would have lost some money? |
2003-07-07 10:31:21 |
Desert Dog |
Itonator -- are there any casinos right in Toronto, or is Casino Niagara the closest? I sometimes have to travel to Toronto. |
2003-07-07 10:18:50 |
sld007 |
Let it ride is too capricious for me. I will stick to my modified dahl progression with a 4 loss quit point. Not real sexy, but lots of small gains which add up to big ones over time. |
2003-07-07 09:35:22 |