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Desert Dog Midnite, thanks for the suggestion. Blondie, there's a site that among other things rates Online Casinos. Doc told us about it: www.customstrategycards.com. My own advice is never play them. Even if I have no doubt about their honesty (for example, CasinONet gets good marks) it's still too fast a way to lose money. Plus playing against a computer with no one else around is no fun. Easy for me to say, I live ten minutes from a decent casino. bjcanada, I didn't know British Columbia had casinos too. Where exactly? Phoenix has non-stop service to Vancouver and it's over 110 degrees here until the end of August, so Canada sounds real nice. I've used progressive betting on CSM's and I've used it on regular shoes; I've also used flat betting on both. Progressive betting is more entertaining, but with CSM's I am still unsure if it does any good. 2003-06-30 21:44:13
Blondie Has anyone ever played in any of the online casinos and found them to be honest over an extended period of time? Recommendations? Thanks. 2003-06-30 20:08:46
Midnite Desert Dog- A easy way to tell what your next bet is supposed to be is, pull back a winning bet, but keep it seperate from your other chips. That way if you lose a hand, you know that is your next bet. If you win a hand and there is already a bet there, it is time to increase your bet. 2003-06-30 20:07:48
bjcanada Desert dog...thanx for the info..they also pay 3/2 on suited 6,7,8.but only during certain hours..im in British Columbia...north of Seattle..hey your green backs are worth 40% more here..how could ya go wrong...great golf : beaches..and cards are dealt face UP..a counters dream...!!!!!except they are going to the csm... would you say that a progressive betting system then is the only option to try to defeat the dreaded csm...?? thanx and I appreciate all the info ive received here.. 2003-06-30 19:39:06
Desert Dog Aside from Dahl, there's another progression I only know as 1-2-3. Your base bet is 2. Win: go up to 3, lose: drop to 1. Lowest bet 1, highest bet 3. If you lose a 3 unit bet you only drop to 2 rather than all the way to 1. An aggressive variant (which I don't do) is to let everything ride if you win BJ, DD, or Split. With Dahl I often forget if I was on my first or second 1.5 bet, etc. With this one, you just look at what your previous bet was and whether you won or lost. I've practised it on a computer game and the interesting thing is that you can lose a few more hands than win and still come out ahead in $, and if you win just a few hands more than lose, you can come out way ahead. Still nothing saves you if you lose a lot more hands than win. 2003-06-30 17:20:26
Midnite Pitch game = Hand held cards. Dealt face down. Almost always, from a single or double deck. Cards are "pitched" to the players. 2003-06-30 17:06:17
D What is a pitch game? 2003-06-30 16:54:36
deer dog deluxe And yeah, Midnite, it IS misleading ! 2003-06-30 16:46:35
Michigan Dave did a quick calculation comparing martingale vs. dahl using a 5 win/5loss and a 5L/5W scenerio. Martingale: 5W/5L=36 units wagered= -26 units. 5L/5W=61 units wagered= +5 units. Dahl: 5W/5L=13 units wagered=+1 unit. 5L/5W=12 units wagered= +2 units. I would think you will find similiar results comparing other positive progressions vs. martingale. 2003-06-30 16:45:57
deer dog deluxe Midnite and Doc: such clarity and energy: thanks. And just FYI, another plug for The Pearl River Resort in Philadelphia MS: dealer still stands on soft 17, you can double on anything (including after a split), can split up to a total of 4 hands. 6 deck hand shuffle at The Golden Moon, 6 deck auto-shuffle and CSM's at the Silver Star, ten dollar pitch games both places, 3 to 2 payoff for BJ. Y'all should come play b4 they change the rules! 2003-06-30 16:44:56
Midnite While it is misleading, the odds of losing 11 in a row are 1 in 3,332. 2003-06-30 16:43:50
Desert Dog If doubling your bet every time you lost was a good strategy, everyone would do it and casinos would stop offering Blackjack. Try it a few times on a computer game simulator like Hoyle and see where it gets you. Mostly you'll be glad it was just a simulation. 2003-06-30 16:36:54
okohiored guess i now nid to ask for the odds that kill the martingale5-5000 what are odds of losing 11 in a row. my contact is okohiored@aol.com 2003-06-30 16:28:24
Midnite losses in a row - 6 = 81 / 7 = 168 / 8 = 356 / 9 = 713 / 10 = 1666 . You can contact me at midnitegambler@cox.net 2003-06-30 16:20:15
okohiored how midnight and if losing 5 is 38-1 what is losing6-7-8-9-or10 odds in a row 2003-06-30 16:08:17
Michigan Dave Doc- Thanks for your insights on the psyche and success of advantage players. My feet are firmly grounded in science 8 hours a day so a little artistic expression can't hurt. 2003-06-30 16:00:05
okohiored fyi at stardust in vegas as of three months ago they had a 5-5000 game going back july 8 anyone can comment to my posts as trying to work on a progressive system with larger bets 2003-06-30 15:55:49

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