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bjcanada |
i am a new player and it is bloody amazing how poorly most people play...and then they think every one should do what they spliting 5"s !!
splitting 10"s...hitting 14 15 to dealer 3,4,5,6,...and then you play bs and they all look at ya like yur not their pal.
i get frustrated when they seem to luck out and i get smoked u guys think there is any point to trying to keep a running count using those damn csm machines..if its always full of cards ..can counting really help???also to Desert Dog..a
3x7 pays 3to 2...and at some tables there is a progressive for that u dont always have to split.
i believe even basic strategy must have a few variables..
i seem to have better luck if i stand on 16 15 ..i hit and bust nearly every time..also to the low life posters.....these guys are professional gamblers..would you tell me how much money u spend on kiddie porn... thats about your mentallity..go bother some little kids on yahoo... and oh by the way i make a fricking billion a really bill gates haha!!! |
2003-06-29 00:02:25 |
Someone mind answering my last post please?
2003-06-28 22:34:29 |
Deer Dog Deluxe |
Was watching one of those Travel Channel LV shows, some expert says maybe 1 tenth of 1 percent of players globally use BS. My experience (having played now for a mere year) bears this out: I'm allatime recommending this site. But I think too that in some parts of the country (and, no doubt, the world), there are bigger concentrations of BS players. Played in Mount Pleasant MI this spring, and it seemed like everybody at every table expected you to hit a hard 16 against a 10 at third base, to split 9's against a 9, etc. In Philadelphia, Mississippi, where I usually play, there's more voodoo involved. Given how little the general population knows about BS, it shouldn't be a surprise that dealers don't know a whole lot more. |
2003-06-28 20:47:16 |
Desert Dog |
Thanks, Midnite and Crackerjacky. The other players' comments didn't bother me, but it was disappointing to realize I was surrounded by brocolli for brains when they acted like I was wrong to split the 9's vs the 3. As for my later mistake with the 7's, you're right, I was tired, and that's why it's a bad idea to play then -- less able to think fast. And there were distractions too. The drunk nearest me was jabbering like I was his new best friend, while the idiots at the far end (the guys that stood on 14's vs dealer 10, one of them with drugstore orange hair) were trying hard to talk with the good-looking woman half their age at the middle seat. A train wreck unfolding before my eyes. One of them asked her name. She replied: "Lois Lane. My boyfriend's at the next table. Maybe you know who he is." Even if I hadn't come out ahead last night, that kind of entertainment would have been worth losing something. |
2003-06-28 17:58:55 |
Wow... a lot has transpired since I took a short break from this site!!
Anyway, I was wondering if someone could translate this sentence from a BJ book for me: "I do not recommend yo use this sytem in a six-deck game but if you do, be aware that a large spread is needed to make a consistent profit (1-16 at least) or you must leave the table frequently"...
Alright, the thing that most confuses me is the (1-16) thing.. .what does he mean?! And this is referring the Ace-5 Counting system. 16x the TABLE MINIMUM bet? Or what... Also I want yall's thoughts about the Ace-5 system's use in MULTI-DECK games (6-deck) since I will be going next week.
One last thing, Grifter, I do sort of agree with that flamer... why does it matter if you tell me? What hurt will it do for you since it's true I 1) dont know you, 2) probably wont EVER know you... capische? I was just trying to get a feeling of how strong BJ players yall are, since, "most" players end up DOWN their entire life playing this game. Thank you. |
2003-06-28 16:14:23 |
Midnite |
Desert Dog- Don't be too hard on yourself. Everyone make's mistakes. In most places, the dealers can not tell you how to play or comment on your play. With a little more seasoning, you will find what players say or do, will not bother you. Like the Grifter, I have 35 years of "seasoning". Now when you do catch yourself making a mistake, you need to ask yourself, Why ? Am I getting tired ? (my be time for a break) Did I just space out, this once or have I been making other mistakes and just didn't catch them ? Is there someone at the table that is distracting me ? (hot babe or rude, drunk player) May be time to change tables. Also, if I had been at your table (and didn't know you) I would not have said a word, when you hit 7-7 instead of splitting them. I do not comment on the play of others at the table. If they ask me how to play a hand, I will of course, tell them. |
2003-06-28 13:22:48 |
crackerjacky |
Desert Dog, I play lst base all the time & get the "looks" & "mutterings" from others when I hit against dealer 10. Two players accused me of not having the best "interest" of the whole table & that I should not take so many cards trying to beat that dealer 20! However the dealer did speak up for me & state I was just playing BS & had a right to play the game "my way". |
2003-06-28 12:50:08 |
Desert Dog |
Last night at my neighborhood casino I split 9's vs dealer's 3 and other players at the table reacted like I was some out-of-control maniac. I won both hands. They then acted like I had dodged a bullet, and some of them grumbled about how I screwed things up for them. Two of these were the type that stood on 14's vs dealer 10s. I was at first base so I didn't care what they did, but I was glad for a change that the casino was using continuous shuffle machines so I didn't brood about what should have been "my" cards in subsequent hands had they played right. Another downside of morons at the table is that unless you've got a proactive dealer, no one else warns you if you momentarily space out and forget basic strategy for uncommon situations, as I did later when I did not split 7's vs dealer's 7. I hit and busted. Again, thanks to the CSM I didn't worry about the rest of the shoe being "off" because of my dumb play. (OK guys, I know that I shouldn't anyway.) Overall a decent night. Bought in 40 units, walked away with 50. London Player, thanks for the answer. Here black is used for $100. What color is a 5 pound chip? |
2003-06-28 09:21:29 |
london player |
desert dog; £25 chips are usually black,£100 chips are called pinks but not always that colour. |
2003-06-28 06:14:52 |
coolhand |
Grifter, you are the man. |
2003-06-28 03:44:18 |
SH |
I've played at casinos and riverboats all over, but am about to embark on my first Carribean cruise. BJ isn't the point of the trip, but of course I'll visit the tables. I've heard they're awful, though. Anybody got any experience? In other words, whose rules do they use, or do they just vary from ship to ship. |
2003-06-27 22:47:49 |
Deer Dog Deluxe |
Just a heads up to the blowhard: even if Grifter WERE queer, fat, ugly and a complete loner, that wouldn't make him moronic -- or less entitled to his privacy. And he'd still be one of the people I'm grateful to for his generous advice to us newbies. |
2003-06-27 21:02:45 |
Desert Dog |
London Player -- just wondering -- is a 25 pound sterling chip also green like our $25 chips? |
2003-06-27 16:04:58 |
Desert Dog |
Doc -- we took our kids to Vegas last year, and they're perfectly happy if we go there again, instead of Disneyland or Universal Studios. Where have we gone wrong? Your vacation was more wholesome and less corrupting. The routine is I'd play Blackjack in the afternoon while my wife takes the kids somewhere, and then she'd play the machines in the evening while I'd stay with the kids. If it weren't for those machines, we'd have been ahead last year. Questions: At Tunica, does dealer hit soft 17, is surrender available, and do they use continuous shuffle machines? |
2003-06-27 15:28:13 |
Doc |
Thanks for noticing Desert Dog, I took my kid on vacation, no casinos but needed a break from BJ after a variance didn't go my way(couple of hours losing at least 70% of my hands) and started me wondering about this game. Back to normal now and will be in Tunica tommorrow: I'm not an advantage player yet, but I'm going to reduce the negative expectation to its lowest level possible with BS, use common sense with my bankroll, have clear win goals and strong stop losses, use a consistant betting and play strategy with discipline, then take advantage of the 5-20% comps my play should merit to help make up for losses or get me even further ahead if I'm up. In other words, win or lose, I'm going to have fun. |
2003-06-27 13:51:08 |
Desert Dog |
Good for you, Grifter. Always enjoy reading your posts. Glad to see all the others supporting you too. (including Doc! -- hey, where've you been?) Have a good trip, Grifter, and if it includes any casinos, you know that's where you really can get "kicked in the groin", not here. |
2003-06-27 13:18:28 |
Grifter |
This is to let all of you folks know that I will be "on the road again" for the next ten days. I wanted to make sure you folks, and especially the poster, know that my absense is not because that post "ran me off the site". Never happen. I'll be back in ten. |
2003-06-27 11:56:53 |