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hawkeye sld007- I understand your thought process, and played the hand the same way. Until I was convinced otherwise, (mostly from reading Fred Renzey) The proper way to evaluate this is to figure what your average result would be by playing the hand out. When we have a B/J and the dealer shows an ace, 4 times out of 13 they will have B/J too, on average.4 times we tie. The other 9 times we win 150 on a 100 bet, for an OVERALL average profit of just about 104 dollars, this being the fair market value of hand.When we take even money on B/J, financially it's the same as selling your hand back to the house for 100. They're getting the bargain, which is why the casino offers the deal at every opportunity. This is a mistake the house is counting on us to make, why should we sell ourselves short? 2003-05-17 06:52:14
Michigan Dave Midnite,SLD007-Thanks for the invite. It would be great to be sitting at third base with the Hit or Stand "All Stars" at the same table. Knowing evrybody at the table playing BS with their own progression/counting strategies would be an interesting lesson for a rookie like me. I have never sat at a table(knowingly)where everybody was playing BS. Regarding even money on a BJ, I ran into this in Vegas in April. The Dealers said always take even money. But being new at BJ and still learning BS(was still having trouble with A2-A6 DD when dealer has <7)I did not take even money. Seemed to work for me. 2003-05-17 05:11:27
ps sld007 - i agree, unless i'm comfortably ahead, i'll take the win 2003-05-16 21:47:28
sld007 ps - I know that midnite will disagree with me, but I always take even money on a BJ. The way I look at it is it's just one hand and it's nice to get a sure win. I know the odds say don't, but you can't go broke makin' profits! 2003-05-16 21:07:50
Bob Looks like fun 2003-05-16 19:59:18
Mike Hey Neil 2003-05-16 19:32:14
ps how do you guys feel about taking even money on a blackjack....? 2003-05-16 19:27:30
Midnite Off to catch a plane. Meeting the Grifter for a weekend of BJ and fun. Have a good weekend all. 2003-05-16 09:52:15
andy garcia off to the mecca tomorrow folks; come on double downs. :) 2003-05-16 09:20:32
Steve Shreveport and Tunica are convienent to me, Ive got a few buddies I go to Mississippi with but mostly just head over by myself, I would definetly pencil in a meet Midnite. 2003-05-16 06:34:12
Neil Stosh - I'm just about to release a revamped version of this site (less banners, slicker design) and it will also include a new online casino page that will only list trustworthy casinos with up-to-date info of their promotions etc.. I don't recommend gambling online if you are looking to make money, but it can be fun, and it would be nice to know where it's best to play. By the way, the casino that will be my number 1 reccomendation will be Golden Riviera because it has a good rep among players and webmasters. 2003-05-15 21:12:24
Stosh I am interested in getting back into Blackjack online. However, the last time i gambled online dudes overcahrged my card many a time. Any suggestions on trust worthy sites? Know of any software for my computer to protect my loot from scammers? thanks for any info. 2003-05-15 20:11:31
sld007 midnite - I live in Dallas and go to shreveport about once a month. In about two weeks, I'll be taking a week long cruise to the Carribean, but would LOVE to actually meet you guys in maybe Shreveport, Biloxi or even Vegas. Just let me know! 2003-05-15 16:46:37
Midnite Steve- Since you and dd d (who is at the beach for a couple of weeks) both live close to some good games in Miss. Maybe we could all (Michigan Dave, sld007, etc.) get together, later this year and play some BJ. 2003-05-15 15:30:20
sld007 trop guy - I don't know about you, but I kinda miss old brbg! I wonder if he's out on parole yet? 2003-05-15 14:57:40
sld007 steve - Dahl's progression is X,X,1 1/2X,1 1/2X,2X,2X,3X,3X,5X,5X,7X,7X,10X,10x. BJs skip 1 level and winning splits and DDs skip 2 levels unless the total amount to be wagered would exceed the amount just won. If so, stay below that level. That's it. I have added one element from my good friend Walter Thomason and that is to quit the shoe after losing 4 consecutive hands. Sort of a modified Dahl. Sometimes I'll go to 2 hands or if I get slammed at the beginning of a shoe I'll stay out for a few hands. Just remember, if you get slammed it's only one shoe, there will be plenty more. Besides, gamblers only remember the losses never the wins (of course they only BRAG about the wins! 2003-05-15 13:29:08
Steve thanks sld007. Based on your past posts I have Dahls book comming in the mail now. I already have strict time(1 hour per session, period, two hour break if Im not winners), and money ($100 buy in strict stop loss at twice the buy in, if I lose the whole buy in, session over, period, then the two hours to grieve). Until I see what Dahl has to say my progression is 1st W, press; 2nd W, press minus 1 unit; 3rd W withdrawal half the total win , 4rth W Press; 5th W withdrawel half the total win, etc.Doubles and splits add to the total except the extra bet risked, blackjacks add to the total won. Any loss straight back to the basic unit. So it depends on streaks, but when they come its exciting, makes up for spending most of the game at below your by in. Until I understand counting better Im a $5 dollar unit man. I always buy my stinken stogies in Little Rock before I head over, and believe it or not they hand out dinners in Tunica like junk mail, so usually no wait. Any advise? 2003-05-15 10:43:52

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